Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Goodbye September, Hello October!

I'm so excited to finally find some time to blog & film! I've finally found some leg room to squeeze these two hobbies into my busy schedule! Being a full-time student and employee while struggling to keep up with a healthy + active lifestyle WHILE managing a social life, is quite a lot for me.

Now that its 10 months into 2015... I'm following up on my goals that I created for myself at the beginning of the year, hehe.

So after watching Jaclyn Hill's Fall Favorites TAG, I decided to do go ahead and tag myself! You can watch the video by clicking >> here!! << Watch me ramble on for 15 minutes about my favorite things for Fall :)

I stumbled upon this quote yesterday, by a girl that I follow on Instagram, which kind of motivated me to film+edit+upload today...

"There are people who dislike you because you do not like yourself." Instagram post via @sincerely_mels  And as her caption she put: "Not everyone is gonna like you... Like @desimakeup once said haters gonna hate creators gonna create."

It's crazy how a simple post/a few words can inspire me to do things that I've been holding myself back from. It's a scary thought to think that anyone and everyone could be watching and judging as I share my honest thoughts/opinions about beauty products, but I've always wanted to do this; and if I don't do it now- I never will.

Hope you enjoy the video; let me know your thoughts!! If you do like, please subscribe so I know that you want to see more :)

With the most dearest and sincerest love,

-- Kels.